Jumat, 03 September 2010

Prevent the flu during flu season coming

Snort. Sobbing. Sneezing. Exposed to cold or the flu (influenza) would not be pleasant or healthy. We feel pain and should not attend school, work and other things are important. The bad news is that there is no treatment to cure a cold or flu. The good news is that there are many things we can do to prevent it from falling sick. Follow the following simple tips to stay healthy all year.

- Cover mouth when coughing. Shut your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough. Use a tissue, then dispose of these tissues, or sneeze on your sleeve.
- Wash your hands.Hand washing is the number one way to prevent the spread of disease. Wash with soap and water or use hand cleaners with alcohol. Remember, wash your handssave lives!
- Stay at home when you're sick. If you fall ill, do not be transmitted to others. Avoid from being close to others. If you can,
- Stay home and do not go to school and the workplace, or performing tasks when you're sick. Also, if you look after yourself, you will heal faster.
- Get your flu immunization. The best way to prevent flu is to getflu immunization each year. October or November is the best time to get flu shots, but you still may receive injections at monthDecember or later.

The truth about Diabetes

With nearly one of every 10 residents in the U.S. have diabetes, most of usknow someone who is suffering from this disease.
However, do you know what it is diabetes?
What is Diabetes?Diabetes is when the body does not produce or use enough insulin (a hormone). Insulin helps the body process the sugar (or glucose) into energy needed by your body.
False: Diabetes is caused by eating sweets. Not true. Do not eat candylead to diabetes. However, overweight and less viable can cause you more likely to suffer from diabetes. The most common type of diabetes (Type 2) can be prevented or delayed with a healthy lifestyle.
False: Diabetes only affects your blood. Not true. Diabetes can affect almost any part of your body. Diabetes can cause other problems if not controlled. Diabetes can cause heart disease or heart attacks, vision problems, kidney damage and loss of feet or toes. These issues are less likely to happen if you make sure that the number of your blood sugar or glucosewithin the normal range (80-120).
False: If I suffer from diabetes, I would not be healthy again. Not true. The good news is that people with diabetes can live healthy by eating healthily, taking medicine, doing exercise, not overweight and met with health care providers. Please speak with your health care provider if diabetes is inherited in your family, or if you experience:• blurred vision• once Haus• Frequent urination• Losing weight for no reason• Weak or tired
For more information about diabetes please visit the Diabetes Association's websiteAmerica at www.diabetes.org.

Kamis, 02 September 2010

Oorwin die rooi oog irritasie met betelnoten Leaf

WAARSKUWING! Hierdie vraestel verteenwoordig die begin van my skrywe oor tradisionele medisyne, asook aangeleenthede met betrekking tot die gesondheid wenke of ander siektes te behandel. Effektiwiteit en doeltreffendheid van hierdie wenke of gebruik van dwelms is afgelei van my ervaring en kennis verkry slegs deur mond-tot mond. Hier wil ek beklemtoon, het ook vir my volgende skrywe wat verband hou met tradisionele medisyne en ander gesondheids wenke, gesondheid wenke via daardie of enige ander tradisionele medisyne en later, nie my tipiese basis deur middel van wetenskaplike navorsing laboratorium. So het ek ook wil beklemtoon, newe-effekte wat mag voorkom as gevolg van dwelms gebruik en die ander is nie wetenskaplik bewys. Ek verklaar is nie verantwoordelik vir alles wat gebeur wanneer alles blyk wat ek uitdruk en skryf oor medisyne en ander wenke vir jou hierdie negatiewe uitwerking. Lees asseblief hierdie waarskuwing ook goed.
Terloops in my moeder se vader se huis is daar tradisionele medisinale plante. As sommige mense mag noem dit die TOGA (Familie Medicinal Plants). Daar is waarheid in hierdie TOGA noem. Soms is mense ook dikwels die kennis wat kom uit 'n familie van oorerflike aard van hierdie as' n plaaslike wysheid. Nou, soos 'n man wat dikwels blootgestel aan siektes (Normale regs),? Soms of selfs dikwels die dwelms ek gebruik om my pyn te bowe te kom is afkomstig van plante rondom die huis.
Een keer het ek 'n naam iets of oë so dat die een ding wat ek voel ongemaklik met die situasie. Dan vryf my reflekse (Java-taal) of my oë te vryf met sy hand. 'N daad wat ek betreur, want dan is my oë rooi. En wat is immoreel, nie net my oë rooi, maar my oë was geswel en selfs my eyeballs soos om uit die oog-aansluiting. Ek vrees my oë sou die spieël sien. Dit beteken nie die telling van die trane wat ek het om te bestee nie, omdat die voorval.
Ek het gekla by die vader en moeder. 'N handeling wat nie regverdig nie. As jy siek is het jy ook moet doen dinge soos ek. Vra vir hulp iemand. Is dit nie daardie reg? Ek het my ma nadat my oog toestand, met 'n bietjie van paniek aangeraai om my te pluk vrugte betelnoten blare, wat op die stoep langs die huis. Toe het my vertel om te was en dan week in warm water. Al wat ek doen om jou eie.
Water wat direndami betelnoten blare is 'n paar stukkies en dan gebruik ek my oë te was. Die trick is dan die advies moeders dip my oë op na die bakkie of houer van die water so bersirih te volg. Want nadat die water is nie meer warm bersirih korrek is. Was lou. Of koue is ook nie al die armes.
Jy weet wat gebeur het? 'N Paar minute later my rooi oë het al begin swelling te verminder. Verskeie kere word ek deur haar moeder was om dit te herhaal wat ek gedoen het voordat dit is gedoop in die rooi oë irriteer betelnoten blaar water dompel. En binne een dag nadat ek voer die tradisionele behandeling, is pragtig my oë geswel en rooi is nie meer nie.
Oorsig oorwin die rooi oë irriteer: Uitgeruk 'n paar blare van betelnoten Week die betelnoten blare in warm water Wag tot 'n bietjie koel of koue water dompel Dompel jou oë in 'n marinade Herhaal totdat daar 'n paar keer
Hopelik sal my ondervinding is voordelig.
Bron: Haqiqie.wordpress.com

Alternative medicines

Duri embarrassed daughter ..headaches, both migraine and headache in general (except thoseintentionally) can be reduced even treated with plant thorns mediaembarrassed daughter.how:embarrassed daughter to take a thorn, then gently prick the tip of middle fingerthe left, or puncture the neck ..
functions such as acupuncture needles but do not need nancep-------------------------------------------------- --------
Roots Ilalang
Diabetes Drugs
Take the roots of weeds to taste, then boiled with fresh waterratio of 3: 1 (3 cups so a glass), then use asreplacement of drinking water a day, God willing, there will be within 1-2 weekssignificant changes
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water ... (Dr prescription india)
pee straight up in the morning ... jgn bs if drinking water sebanyak2nyawhite (at least 2 big glasses). let kira2 30 minutes .. newurine.
for circulation aja .. good effect.
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dates of the prophet (azwah)
eating three or five every day. healthy inshaAllah ...
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Stomach acid:
take 10 young areca seed, then boiled with water, usedto drink three days (each time the heated first drink),repeat up to two weeks.
drug reactions, stomach feels mules and diarrhea (lemes..), but willlost if we drink water.
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For the dependence on Drugs:
- Green Coconut Water- Salt to taste kitchen- Miyak Rose / Jasmine 3 drops.
Capurkan all and Drinks
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For the man who defeated before the battle:
To-one recipe:- 30 java bean chili- 1 cup mrica- 10 cloves of garlic lanang- Sugar palm- Water to taste / 2 large glasses
All of these ingredients until the water boiled live a glass, drank in the morning andnight.
Recipe 2:- 5 worms necklace- Fennel pulosari- Lump Sugar- Water sufficiently.
How:Fried worms then after that mix the powdered² with other ingredients and then drink. Do this one weekonce.
good luck
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Once every six months to drink pumpkin juice Siem .. was to strengthenpancreas.
Drink one teaspoon of olive oil to smooth skin every day ..
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diabetic drugmaterials: 3kunyit, 1 / 2 teaspoon saltThe second material is sufficiently boiled water, strained and drunk2kali week and a half drunk glass 1 / 2 cup
nighttime cough1sendok take lemon and soy sauce mixed drink
Pimplein slices of cucumber placed on who face breakoutsdo before bedtime
water therapy to cleanse toxins in the bodydrinking water 1 1 / 2 liters each morning after waking upand do not eat during the first hour after water threapypelan2 can drink for one hour highlight the number one 1/2liter

Rabu, 01 September 2010

Cold water and heart disease

Not only is recommended to drink hot water after eating, but dealing with HEART ATTACK !!!!. ... Logically, there may be truth. The people of China and Japanese drink hot tea with devotion while eating ... water instead of ES. Maybe our time has come to imitate the habit of drinking hot water / warm while enjoying the dish!! We will not lose anything ... instead will get benefits of these habits.
To anybody who likes to drink water ICE, according to this article you read. It was tasty and fresh drinking water after eating ES, but it would be fatal! Walaubagaimanapun, ES Water will freeze new oily food we eat. He will slow down our digestive process. When fats are formed in the gut, it will narrow the many channels and over time it will cause fat together and we're getting fat and headed toward a variety DISEASE. The best way ... is to drink hot soup or hot water / warm after eating.
Important Nota HEART ATTACK!
You need to know that the signs of a heart attack will not be felt on the left hand. Too careful in the beginning hurt a little at the top of your chest. You probably will not experience chest pain on the first attack of heart attacks. Fatigue and sweating are signs in general. In fact, 60% patient Heartburn does not wake up after sleeping. Let us berwaspada and be careful. The more we know, we are brighter chances for survival.