Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010


Apart from the elements such as stress, hormonal, and free radicals, ultraviolet light, smoke, pollution, or dust samples outside elements that affect the health of skin, including the incidence of premature aging. However, many people have not optimally treat skin, unless you've been injured or damaged. Yet treating the veil of that body is not complicated, although there are tips-tricks in order not to rapid aging.
We need mambaca health articles for many health articles provide information to us. This article informs us about the health of the body esehatan. Health article may contain about the disease and how to maintain good health.
And this health article will explain in detail the skin health:
Healthy skin by health article actually reflects a healthy body condition. Conversely, dull skin can be an indication of less luminous body are not in a state fit.
Could this because of the skin (in skin health articles) carries a lot of other important functions beyond the veil of sense of taste and body of the threats surrounding natural conditions. He helped organize the body temperature, also protect from viruses and bacteria, and no less important function of secretion and drainage.
From skin health articles, on the secretion function, sort out the skin, called sebum oil to maintain skin moisture and smoothness. While spending the liquid form of sweat that is mainly composed of water to regulate body temperature to remain within normal limits.
From the article Skin Health: Ultraviolet prickly destroyer
Health Articles-As the veil of the body skin, the skin is the main shield against the threat of conditions outside the body; ultraviolet rays of the sun one of them. Ultraviolet (UV), this is often accused to be a major factor of premature aging aka premature aging. This light, particularly UV B is a strong penetration power, placed in order of number one in the list of causes.
Health article states: "David Bureau dermatologist from New York state as premature aging occurs, the skin (in accordance with articles on health) are changed so that people aged 30's look 20 years older. Even stimulation of ultraviolet light that can constantly make the skin damage or even skin cancer. "
Skin damage (in the health articles) that is common to those aged above 30 years (according to medical articles) - though can also occur in younger people - can also be caused by other external factors such as environment pollution levels, which can be various smoke with carbon content, the piles of dust and other impurities in the skin.
According to the article in addition to healthy skin from the outside, the internal condition of the body also affect the health of skin, such as hormonal factors, heredity, stress, and free radicals.
From the skin of Health Articles: Replace the skin every 28 days
According to medical articles, the outermost layer of skin is the epidermis (stratum corneum) are thin as onion skin. Below it are the various organs which have already been mentioned earlier. Deeper fat tissue is thick. The next layer of muscle (meat) and bones, which is no longer part of the skin.
health articles tell you that according to natural processes, actually every 28 days once a skin cell (from artikek health) will regenerate or rejuvenate themselves. The original skin cells will round up to the surface of the skin and change the shape of a flattened, before eventually die and become part of the layer of the epidermis.
On the condition (of health articles), skin aging, which occurs otherwise. "Outer layer of skin containing living skin cells, also the layer where the various vessels and glands, thinning. While it thickened layer of the epidermis, because skin cells continue to die or dakinya overlap, "said Edwin Juanda.
In article Edwin healthy skin stretch also the view that the layer of dead skin peeling does not occur automatically, and if peeling will last a long time. That's also why, flaking skin needs to be done specifically because of skin care everyday cleaning alone will not be able to lift the skin mati.merkuri1
However, according to Edwin (skin health articles), does not mean there is no hope for sufferers of premature aging regain healthy skin. There are several ways that can be done. For example, a very small spots (freckles) may be removed by peeling with a very fine instrument. "To more accurately spotting the wide use of topical bleaching creams at night," he said. He reminded, the use of cream bleach must be done carefully and under the supervision of a dermatologist. The use of excessive, especially in the long term, it is
increased skin black.
From health articles compared with blackish spots, wrinkles on the face is more difficult to remove completely. Although several ways to reduce it with real results. One of them by performing chemical peels. In the article recounted health oiled skin
special fluid that makes peeling epidermis. Once cured - by eating a very long time - wrinkle-wrinkle disappears.
Another way (health articles) with a surgical face lift, which is indeed necessary at great cost and must be performed by a specialist.
Another possibility is to use sour cream, vitamin A, which was introduced by prof. Kligman from the U.S.. With vitamin A acid cream like Retin-A or Vitacid, or Melavita on the face every night, in a few months the skin will become firmer and
wrinkles were reduced.
However, vitamin A acid cream have side effects, making the skin a little red and sore in the first few days of use. In addition, this cream was not necessarily suitable for everyone (described in artike-article
"So, all measures of treatment was done so that more teenage skin
(According to medical articles) so that the layer beneath it grow faster. All the way is quite safe as long as it is made very
be careful, "said Edwin while noting the need to consult with a dermatologist.
From the article Skin Health: exfoliation treatment
(From atrikel health) Agreed with dr. Edwin's health expert, chemist Mark Potter who had served concocted medicines for
Operation Desert Storm troops who have to face the dry climate in the Middle East, said the need to be done to dismantle the pile of peels of dead skin that is not useful. "But be careful. Otherwise, even the skin will lose moisture, even
more damaged, "he said.
According to Potter (health articles) Anyway, besides making the skin glow back, "exfoliation has a function that is more than just beautify themselves, for example, the process of skin cell turnover will be faster, also increasing blood flow which is important in providing
food for the skin's surface. "
However, according to David Bureau, the soap is not good for dry skin,
because it can cause irritation. Therefore necessary to find the soap ama
n and contain the active substances are useful. We could easily have obtained this soap containing an active substance such as vitamin E complex that is useful to fight the signs of aging, moisturizing oil or other substances, such as the new Lux soap or Priti. This type of soap could
double work, other than really clean, well maintain skin suppleness and health. (described in medical articles)
According to an article for the health of facial skin texture smoother, softer, and thinner, more precise when used special soap or a face like Kao Biore facial soap, Oil of Ulan, or other products.
But for peeling in the treatment of everyday life, Potter (in
skin health articles) would recommend for use cleanser instead of soap. There are two good ways of doing it. According to First of health articles, use a chemical mask containing enzyme capable of binding the dead skin cells, destroys tissue, as well as lifting. "The second way a little less practical, but quite meaningful in action stripping, which is rubbing the skin gently mechanically."
As with the current product, called AHA (alpha
hidrocxy acid) or a group of fruit acids. AHA scrub considered able to overcome the weakness that only removing the outermost layer, but can not fix a relationship antarsel inside. AHAs, often described as magical antiaging substance and capable of peeling off dead skin with no rub, would
reduce wrinkles and make skin fresher. For substances that also moisturize the skin layer beneath it and stimulate the formation of new cells. (Described in medical articles)
"But the AHA is not suitable for all ages (found in health articles)
. Those aged 30-40 years can still use it. But the age of 40 would be better if using retinoic acid or acid retinoat, "said Edwin Juanda.
Because, she said, when the AHA can only go up
to the layer antarsel, then retinoat acid containing vitamin A which is needed to penetrate skin cells into cells. "Skin that is already ugly and dull will become more humid, thick, red, and fresh again."
No wonder nowadays many skin moisturizer product yes
ng a charge like Plenitude Excel AHA-A3 or Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion. When a moisturizer with AHA able to penetrate deeper, then the moisturizer without the AHA will only moisturize the epidermis.
Efforts to maintain the skin's moisture needs to be done carefully. "It's hard to be able to enter the liquid
Years into the skin layer of structure is very complicated. Imagine, in our body fluid can only exit through the channels of sweat, "said Edwin.
That is why, cream the night he saw as an attempt to retain moisture and the best way to restore the skin condition. At bedtime, the system will actually metabolism beris
tirahat to fix the cells. "So that night cream will be signed with m
and work with a maximum already in a long time. It's different if worn during the day, not to mention a slap influence of sunlight that makes your skin spread with AHAs or so iritas retinoat acid.
To leave the skin smooth without cream tonight so d
what? breathe. "Cream of the night could be just a moisturizer that can be used at any time if a person feels his skin is too dry. This, too, can not be beaten flat the same for everybody. For those whose skin is oily, not advisable to wear night cream, will be spotty. "
Source: Read: 66

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