Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

TIPS relieve stress

TIPS relieve stress Wednesday, May 19, 2010 | 10:29 pm TIPS relieve stress
Do not let stress and negative thoughts transform you become depressed, stay happy with this exercise the following personalities:
Keep smiling
Try to keep smiling no matter how you have those days are no fun. This may seem like a forced moment but then you will be amazed at such great smile can enhance your spirit.
Good at self control
Facial expression is one of the signs that describe your feelings most easily recognizable. Usahan expression neutral expression on your face even when you are angry or stressed middle and do not let wrinkles frown because it will slowly make you look older.
Stay in touch
Shut down and refuse to communicate emotional would only make matters more worse if your days have been filled with anxiety and tension. No matter whatever the situation, try to make things easy and organized by letting communicate to your friends or colleagues.
Feel the feelings of people
Think about how you want to be treated other people before you spew the juice irritated at other people. There was no one around you who want to become the object of your pout. If you do not want to be treated like that, do not treat others like that.
Have a sense of humor
No matter how you weigh these days, try not to eliminate the sense of humor. Laughter is good for the soul and help make people around you feel better and you have kpribadian well addressed. Labels: stress, stress

SOURCE: http://www.dechacare.com/Tips-Menghilangkan-Stress-I80.html

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